Wednesday, December 21, 2011

2012 运程






Sunday, December 4, 2011

Color Sheet


Neutral Colors

Color NameColor Code
Pearly Gates
Pale Olive
Ultra Pure White
Frosted Lime
White Orchid
Green Veil
Gray Cliffs
Far Horizon
Plantation White
Warm Summer
Ivory Tusk
Eggshell Cream
Toasted Meringue
Light Sand
Carmel Tan
Wedding Veil
Subtle White
Warm Shadow
Sand Box
Frosted Peach
Dusted Pink
Porcelain White
Light Adobe
Barely Blushing
Dusty Trail
Ostrich Feather
White Sail
Morning Fog
Dove Beige

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Camphor sticks for cabinet

saizen store trinoma7


Or thirsty hippo?

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Courtesy of Wunderground

Current weather

Weather forecast

Wikitravel and travel resources offline

From: Hobobo Guide to Travel Guides
- Compete Wikitravel offline
First you need to download the wikitravel data dump here. It is just a text archive with all the text from the website. The archive format .bz2 file keeps the size small at only 40MB. You have several options for reading this file type.
The easiest if you are traveling with a laptop is to download wikitaxi or BZ reader. These readers will work for any wiki dump which means if you want the entire Wikipedia resource available offline (~6GB) you can access it without having to extract it. If you have the space this is also a fantastic thing to have while you travel. You never know what you’ll want to look up.
- On mobile devices
For increased portability there are also options for smart phones and ipods. Depending on your device it can loaded with varying degrees of ease. The best interface by far is the wiki2travel app for the jail broken ipod or iphone. The Oxygen guide is the best for the Android OS, though is far inferior to wiki2travel for the iphone.
There is support for other devices as well, but I haven’t tried any of them. There are also a few apps that let you download and store the wiki travel pages and maps a la carte. One good example is itravelfree. The paid version lets you download and store everything offline. It is only $3 which is a bargain to have all the travel information you could want at your fingertips. Compare that to $30 for a single country Lonely Planet guide book.
If wikitravel doesn’t have a lot of detail on the destination you’re looking at Lonely Planet has offered an attractive answer to buying a paperback guide book. They now offer downloadable .pdf versions of most of their guides as well as the option to buy single chapters at a reduced price. Introductory planning chapters are always free which can help with your first-cut travel planning.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Siemens Gigaset 5005

Siemens Gigaset 5005 documentation

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


转贴: 青椒炒鸡蛋

作者:陆芳 时间:2011-7-5 14:27:33 













  有些人喜欢放味精,其实在炒鸡蛋时最好不要放味精,这是最起码的常识。因为鸡蛋富含大量的谷氨酸和一 制作方法(11张)部分氯化钠,当鸡蛋被加热后,鸡蛋中的这两种物质会合成新的物质,这种物质化学名称叫谷氨酸钠,味精的主要成分就是这种物质,食物在加入这种物质后会有鲜味。但是,炒鸡蛋的时候如果放入味精这种物质,经过分解后的味精就会严重的破坏鸡蛋本身合成的自然鲜味。所以,建议各位家庭主妇在炒鸡蛋时切忌放入味精,这样才能保证鸡蛋的原汁原味。 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Power supply discussion

In this first segment, I will be covering on power supplies and the quality of power supplies from different brands.
1) Why you should buy a quality power supply?
The reason is simple. Quality power supplies are not only able to deliver their rated power, but they also deliver it in a cleaner and more stable manner.
 This means that you will have to use less voltage to your CPU when overclocking, it also helps to prolong the life of your hardware when they are provided with clean, unfluctuating power.
Also, the power supply lasts longer.
2) What makes a good power supply?
There are many things a good power supply has.
Look for operational features like OCP (Overcurrent Protection), OVP/UVP (Overvoltage/Undervoltage protection), SCP (Short circuit Protection), PFC (Power factor correction) and such.
If you open up a quality power supply, chances are you'll find the following traits.
a) A fan with ball bearings from a reputable manufacturer. (AVC, Nidec, Sanyo, ADDA, Globe, Delta, etc.)
b) Quality Japanese capacitors that are rated at the higher maximum operating temperature of 105 degrees Celsius. (Nichihon, Nippon Chemicon, Hitachi, Rubycon)
c) Active PFC. This is evident when you see the absence of a voltage selector switch at the rear of the unit.
d) Sleeved cables. Now, it doesn't mean all PSU's with sleeved cables are good, but it usually means that they have at least added some quality to the cabling. Thick wires are also a good indicator.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Buses up north

Courtesy of Epoch Travel

Monday, May 2, 2011

User management in Linux

User accounts in Linux works differently from the system in Windows.
ACLs are configured based on the system of UIDs. These are unique for each accounts. root account is UID 0 .UID 0-999 are typically reserved for system accounts.

Although there is only one UID 0 for administrator login, it is possible to “create” another administrator account by pointing said ID to UID 0. What we are doing is to create a replica of root ID.
useradd –o –u 0 userid
where –0 allow the creation of a user account with a duplicate (non-unique) UID ,    and –u link the ID to root UID.

Having another root level account on a system may not be desirable for user security governance and tracking. The use of sudo is recommended instead of having multiple administrator logins.

In Centos,
# visudo
Search for the commands section to grant the ID specific access rights. For example, to grant ID acme with root access with sudo, add a line underneath root.

## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
root    ALL=(ALL)       ALL
acme    ALL=(ALL)       ALL

Set a password
# passwd user
Set  password expiry date
# chage -m 0 user  where -m is the minimum no of days

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fixing Windows 7 boot problems

I was inspired to write this after spending an hour trying to get windows to boot. The problem started when i removed an IDE disk from the PC. Turns out that when i install windows on the PC with a pair of IDE and SATA disks, windows configured the IDE disk as the active partition even though i installed windows on the SATA disk. Now that the IDE disk is gone, there is no active partition. In this situation, the repair function windows boot CD will not work until an active partition is manually activated.

- Changing the active partition
Boot to repair mode on your windows CD. Under command prompt, run Diskpart
Look for the disk number with List disk
Select Disk x where x is the disk number from above
List Partition and look for the windows partition number
Select Partition x where x is the windows partition
With the active partition loaded correctly, the repair function now has the correction partition to work on.

- Restoring the boot sector on the active partition
The commandline way to rebuild the boot code.
Under Windows Vista and above, boot to repair mode on your windows CD
bootsect.exe /nt60 SYS /force where SYS refers to the system partition used to boot Windows. Replace SYS with ALL to update the boot code on all volumes that can be used as Windows boot volumes.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Loading IPTables rules on reboot

IPTables rules are flushed after a reboot. I found out when i couldn't connect to a SOCKS5 proxy after the vps provider rebooted my node without notice. Poor system uptime seems to be a problem with some budget VPS. Here's how to make the rules stick after a reboot.

- On  Debian,
Save the rules to a file
#iptables-save > /etc/firewall.conf

Create a startup script so ifupdown loads these rules on boot:
vi /etc/network/if-up.d/iptables
iptables-restore < /etc/firewall.conf

chmod +x /etc/network/if-up.d/iptables
Reboot, and check rules with iptables -L

- On  CentOS,

/sbin/service iptables save
This executes the iptables init script, which runs the /sbin/iptables-save program and writes the current iptables configuration to /etc/sysconfig/iptables. The existing /etc/sysconfig/iptables file is saved as /etc/sysconfig/

The next time the system boots, the iptables init script reapplies the rules saved in /etc/sysconfig/iptables by using the /sbin/iptables-restore command.

You can also save the iptables rules to a separate file for distribution, backup or other purposes. To save your iptables rules, type the following command as root:

[root@myserver ~]# iptables-save > <filename>
where <filename> is a user-defined name for your ruleset.

If distributing the /etc/sysconfig/iptables file to other machines, type /sbin/service iptables restart for the new rules to take effect.

Note the difference between the iptablescommand (/sbin/iptables), which is used to manipulate the tables and chains that constitute the iptables functionality, and the iptablesservice (/sbin/iptables service), which is used to enable and disable the iptables service itself.

To flush existing iptables rules

# vi stop.fw4

echo "Stopping firewall and allowing everyone..."
# Delete and flush. Default table is "filter". Others like "nat" must be explici# tly stated.
iptables -F
iptables -X
iptables --delete-chain
iptables -t nat -F
iptables -t nat -X
# Delete all chains that are not in default filter and nat table
iptables --table nat --delete-chain
iptables -t mangle -F
iptables -t mangle -X
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
chmod +x stop.fw4

Configure NAT with iptables

- Initial set of firewall rules for a NAT vps
vi start.fw4
iptables -I INPUT 1 -i lo -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
#change port 33322 to configured SSH port
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 33322 -j ACCEPT
#open UDP 123 for NTP
iptables -A INPUT -p udp --sport 123 --dport 123 -j ACCEPT
#for openvpn and pptp access
iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 1194 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o venet0 -j SNAT --to rem.ot.e.ip
iptables -A FORWARD -i venet0 -o tun0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i tun0 -o venet0 -j ACCEPT
#block others
iptables -N LOGDROP
iptables -A INPUT -j LOGDROP
iptables -A LOGDROP -p tcp -m limit --limit $LOGLIMIT --limit-burst $LOGLIMITBURST -j LOG --log-level 7 --log-prefix "TCP LOGDROP: "
iptables -A LOGDROP -p udp -m limit --limit $LOGLIMIT --limit-burst $LOGLIMITBURST -j LOG --log-level 7 --log-prefix "UDP LOGDROP: "
iptables -A LOGDROP -p icmp -m limit --limit $LOGLIMIT --limit-burst $LOGLIMITBURST -j LOG --log-level 7 --log-prefix "ICMP LOGDROP: "
iptables -A LOGDROP -f -m limit --limit $LOGLIMIT --limit-burst $LOGLIMITBURST -j LOG --log-level 7 --log-prefix "FRAGMENT LOGDROP: "
iptables -A LOGDROP -j DROP

chmod +x start.fw4
- To list rules,
# iptables -L
To list masquerade and NAT rules,
# iptables -t nat -L

Updating OS on VPS


# apt-get update
# apt-get upgrade


Type the following command to get a list of packages that are going to be updated, enter:
# yum list updates
To upgrade your box, enter:
# yum update

Initial SSH setup

Create User ID for normal use

  • On Debian, useradd is a low level utility for adding users. Administrators should usually use adduser(8) instead.
  • On Fedora or CentOS systems, adduser is just a symbolic link to useradd
  • adduser <user>

Change SSH port and deny root SSH login

  • vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  • Replace default port 22 with <random port>
  • Disable Root login   PermitRootLogin no
Enable new SSH port on ipchains
  • iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport <new SSH port> -j ACCEPT

Restart SSH service

  • service ssh reload

Friday, April 22, 2011

DNS leaking with browsers

Following on this great DNS leakage test with Firefox , I ran my own simple browser privacy tests on browsers i use frequently.

Setup used for the test

- Remote SSH host

- Opera 11.10 Build 2092

- Chrome 10.0.648.205 with Proxy Switchy! 1.6.3

- Firefox 4.0

- IE 9.0.8112.16421

- Plink 0.60.9149.0

- MyEN Tunnel v3.5.2 to build TCP SSH tunnels for SOCKS5 proxy. More stable and better speed(Hulu) than opening a dynamic proxy with Putty (putty shell@xx.xx.xx.xx -fND localhost:7777)

- DNS Randomness test . Great tool for testing DNS leakage.

- Client DNS: OpenDns , ISP DNS

- Remote DNS: Remote host DNS


Browser Proxy Notes
Firefox Client Uses client DNS out of the box
Firefox with network.proxy.socks_remote_dns TRUE Remote Enable this in about:config. Tells firefox to use DNS SOCKS5
Chrome Remote  
IE Client  
Opera NA Not SOCKS compatible as of tested version.

Conclusion: Chrome has the best result out of the box. It looks up URLs using the remote DNS once you point chrome to a SOCKS5 proxy. There is no need for additional configuration or socks server traversing application.

Firefox requires an additional tweak to force remote DNS lookup.

I could not find a native way of forcing remote DNS lookup in IE. One alternative is to disable client side DNS caching in windows, probably not what you want on a corporate network. Another is to “socksify” IE with sockscap or widecap.

Opera has no socks support. Boo. There is always widecap or sockscap, but why bother when you can use chrome?

Random discovery: Your company domain admin may have a AD group policy that enables corporate proxy on your browser, overriding your SOCKS5 proxy selection. This is annoying and recurring, the browser changing to corporate proxy when you think you are surfing on the SOCKS5 proxy.

To workaround this on Chrome with Proxy Switchy, with Socks proxy selected configure the following in Switchy configuration.

Auto apply last selected proxy profile on startup.
Monitor Proxy Changes
Revert proxy changes done by other apps.

With this, you know your web traffic on Chrome is encrypted.

Monday, April 11, 2011

NWN2 Essence List

 volatile air essence
 brilliant air essence
 pristine air essence
 volatile earth essence
 brilliant earth essence
 pristine earth essence
 volatile fire essence
 brilliant fire essence
 pristine fire essence
 volatile water essence
 brilliant water essence
 pristine water essence
 volatile power essence
 brilliant power essence
 pristine power essence
 volatile spirit essence
 brilliant spirit essence
 pristine spirit essence
 Slumbering Coven Esssence

Sunday, April 10, 2011

NWN2 Feat List

Code Feat
38 ****

NWN2 Spell List

Code Spell
0 Acid_Fog
1 Aid
2 Animate_Dead
3 Barkskin
4 Bestow_Curse
5 Blade_Barrier
6 Bless
7 Summon_Djinni
8 Blindness_and_Deafness
9 Bulls_Strength
10 Burning_Hands
11 Call_Lightning
12 Summon_Clockroach
13 Cats_Grace
14 Chain_Lightning
15 Charm_Monster
16 Charm_Person
17 Charm_Person_or_Animal
18 Circle_of_Death
19 Mass_Inflict_Light_Wounds
20 Clairaudience_and_Clairvoyance
21 Summon_Ivory_Handmaiden
22 DEL_Cloak_of_Chaos
23 Cloudkill
24 Color_Spray
25 Cone_of_Cold
26 Confusion
27 Contagion
28 Control_Undead
29 Create_Greater_Undead
30 Create_Undead
31 Cure_Critical_Wounds
32 Cure_Light_Wounds
33 Cure_Minor_Wounds
34 Cure_Moderate_Wounds
35 Cure_Serious_Wounds
36 Darkness
37 Daze
38 Death_Ward
39 Delayed_Blast_Fireball
40 Dismissal
41 Dispel_Magic
42 Divine_Power
43 Dominate_Animal
44 Dominate_Monster
45 Dominate_Person
46 Doom
47 Elemental_Shield
48 Elemental_Swarm
49 Bears_Endurance
50 Endure_Elements

Saturday, February 26, 2011

BB test

advanced help alt rshift h

Enter data above.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Barron's 2011 Roundtable, Part Three -- Think Contrarian


Meryl Witmer, Marc Faber, Mario Gabelli and Oscar Schafer share their investment picks for 2011 in the final

If you're looking for compelling investment ideas and insights into how to unearth them, you've come to the right publication. That is especially so in any week when stock pickers extraordinaire Meryl Witmer, Mario Gabelli and Oscar Schafer grace these pages together. Add Marc Faber, whose 30,000-foot view of the markets encompasses both hemispheres and all asset classes, and you've got yourself the handiest guide we know to making money in 2011.
On Jan. 10, the editors of Barron's were fortunate to get all four -- and the other six members of the Roundtable -- in the same room at the same time, to explore the prospects for the global economy, financial markets and a wide array of investments in the year ahead. This week's Roundtable issue, the last of three, features the picks of this formidable foursome, and their stock-picking strategies.

Barron's Roundtable

Part 3Think Contrarian
Meryl, a general partner at New York's Eagle Capital Partners, says it's a lot harder to find cheap stocks now that the market has rallied. That is why she and her team are prowling for companies recently released from bankruptcy protection -- a process that cleanses their balance sheets but wrecks their reputations. The more unloved they are, the more Meryl loves them -- and the opportunities they offer.
Mario, the big boss at Gamco Investors in Rye, N.Y., has a keen interest in break-ups, make-ups, spinoffs and split-ups -- the Page Six of corporate life. That's because deals are "one way for values to surface." Deal stocks likeFortune Brands and Sara Lee figure prominently among his picks for 2011, along with a novel play on shale gas and another on gold.
Brad Trent for Barron's
From left, Marc Faber, Oscar Schafer, Meryl Witmer and Mario Gabelli share the stock-picking spotlight in this week's issue.
For Oscar, the value hound who runs New York's O.S.S. Capital, it's the catalyst that counts. What circumstance, or constellation of events, could turn an otherwise ordinary business into a growth machine? He homes in this year on companies returning to public hands after leveraged buyouts. Shares outstanding are limited, tax rates are low and management is cost-conscious -- an optimal set-up for outsized investment returns. Hertz is one such returnee, and his masterful analysis is worth reading twice.
As for Marc, a globe-trotting financial advisor, he's prone to big pronouncements. Nothing to get alarmed about -- just that all paper currencies are doomed and World War III has begun. When the shock wears off, however, you might be riveted by his thoughts on how to profit from great global shifts, as well as temporary dislocations in equity, currency and commodity prices. Think energy, gold and, yes, Japan.
Want more details? Please read on.

Barron's 2011 Roundtable, Part Two -- All Over the Map


In the second installment of the Roundtable, our pros' picks range widely over commodities, previous metals, financial stocks and big-cap tech. Two better-than-bonds plays.

If you read the first installment of this year's Barron'sRoundtable, you already know the sky is falling–but very, very slowly. It could take another year, or two or four, before the dollar tumbles, the euro crumbles and the price of gold, that great hedge against disaster, makes its way to the stratosphere.
Meanwhile, back here on earth, shrewd investors can find bargains aplenty among stocks, bonds, funds and even futures, as well as other neat ways to profit in a high-anxiety, ultra-low-interest-rate world. We rounded up 10 such investors two weeks ago, and sat them down at the Harvard Club of New York for a long day of intense conversation on where in the world to invest in 2011.
Last week we shared the big-picture views of these market savants. This week's installment -- the second of three -- typically features the investment picks and pans of several panelists. But those big, important issues, from economics to policy to politics, kept sneaking back into the conversation all day long, providing the basis for broad, thematic investment recommendations.
Brad Trent for Barron's
Thus, Felix Zulauf, head of Zulauf Asset Management in Zug, Switzerland, one of the savviest observers anywhere of the global investment scene, delivered a masterful disquisition on the bright past, rocky present and troubling future of the European Union, while Fred Hickey, editor of the not-to-be-missed High-Tech Strategist, published in Nashua, N.H., held forth eloquently on why gold is heading higher (in his case, to Canada) and many tech stocks, lower.
Then there was Pimco's Bill Gross, master of the universe of bonds. Few anywhere could better explain why the Federal Reserve's money-printing policies, which have promoted negative interest rates after inflation's effect, are tantamount to stealing from savers -- or how to profit from the insult.
Only Archie MacAllaster, head of New York's MacAllaster Pitfield MacKay, stuck to script, or plain old stock-picking, without a whole lot of color commentary. Then again, the dividends paid by his favorite financial concerns are colorful enough for almost any portfolio.
All four market pros are featured in this week's issue, along with the rest of the well-informed crew. It makes for lively, thought-provoking reading and, we hope, profit-provoking investments.