Tuesday, September 27, 2005

what is love?

i got a warm fuzzy feeling down my spine while seeing this. local media should watch and learn, clips of artistes urging for donations because they worked so hard to enact some stupid stunts? oh please. if this ad was a local production urging for donations i will definitely contribute more.

Click here to watch

Monday, September 26, 2005

no surprises

Radiohead - No Surprises

A heart that's full up like a landfill,
a job that slowly kills you,
bruises that won't heal.
You look so tired-unhappy,
bring down the government,
they don't, they don't speak for us.
I'll take a quiet life,
a handshake of carbon monoxide,

with no alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises,
Silent silence.

This is my final fit,
my final bellyache,

with no alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises please.

Such a pretty house
and such a pretty garden.

No alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises,
no alarms and no surprises please.


Saturday, September 17, 2005


For the past 13 days i have been working till late night beyond 10pm...omg...thats nearly two weeks with less than 5 hours of sleep daily. In the midst of all this shitloads of work sometimes i enter a dead zone and i will wonder what the hell is going on. And I haven't dine at home all this while!
Miracles of all miracles, finally i have a sunday off. Am i going to hibernate for the whole day or what...

Tuesday, September 6, 2005


I have been listening to this song over and over again as the lyrics struck me. Issues that many people are undoubtedly facing.

The relationship is flat and you know there are many problems rocking the relationship. Character clashes, lack of understanding and care for each other and the passion that has fizzles out. But lacking the courage to make a clean break, not wanting to be the culprit that initiates it, and having settle into a routine, you are scared of being alone. So you find reasons to stay on and tell yourself things will get better, that both of us will change for each other's sake. You are just drifting along, floating in whatever direction the current takes you.

And ended up missing the whole forest for a tree.
[潇洒点结束不等于自私]. True, but it's never that simple.
Maybe it's better to be loved than to love.


自欺欺人- 方力申/傅颖

男:守得了秘密还不安心 原谅我 
女:不懂得再怎么扮幸运 原谅我 我顾虑成罪人
女:毕竟总有恻隐 知感情完了 扮未发生

女:想开口又沉默 想分手 又难受 终于都 欺骗你欺骗我感受
男:还道歉 说我会补救 
男:对你说谎 表演够不够

男:太害怕令你变得寂寞 每一次 都装出我好意
女:担心得我一个 呆坐到六时
男:别妄想你都讲过 别懒惰 要说清楚
女:看 我们正对峙懦弱地逃避了事 敷衍都算关注 

女:不想等是时候 不想拖是时候 真不想 欺骗你欺骗我感受
男:诚实说 我爱你不够 

男:太害怕害我变得寂寞 我想试 始终不敢乱试
女:担心得你一个 呆坐到六时
男:别妄想你都讲过 别懒惰 要说清楚
女:看 我们正对峙懦弱地逃避了事 敷衍都算关注 
男:潇洒点结束不等于自私 我为何怕事

男:这次 我曾发誓对你好 愿做你好友 减低一点内疚
女:真心话 我跟你无谓再逗留
男:别妄想你都讲过  别懒惰 要说清楚
女:既决定了告辞 别冒昧来电救治 请收起你心意 

男:又再诈骗 不要 
合:不要 留下次处置

Monday, September 5, 2005

i had a dream

I had this dream last night, where i boarded a plane to Cleveland, in USA. The plane landed in the morning. I bought a return ticket on a flight in later afternoon, then took a cab to a grocery market. Inside, i heard a phone ringing coming from my pocket. I took out the phone and answer. It was a gal asking if i had received her email. I told her I am abroad and i will be heading back later in the afternoon. At that point i woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. The newspaper delivery guy was waiting for the monthly subscription fee.

I have never been to Cleveland in my entire life, nor do i know people there. But somehow in my dreams i just know i am going to Cleveland, and only to stay for a few hours! Of all places, i headed to a grocery store. I can even remember looking at the apples when the phone rang. And the wierd thing is, before i went to sleep i did receive an email from someone. I didn't knew how to reply so i gave up and went to bed.

And so later in my dreams i took a flight to escape? Unreal!

Saturday, September 3, 2005


i never watched a single episode..but the hype piqued my curosity and i tested out his rendition of 受伤了...not my cup of tea. Where's the longing and wistful emotion so evident in the original version? Reminds me of American Idol, the contestants raised the vocals just to show off their vocal range with no effort made to portray the emotional undertones that underlays the song. link

Thursday, September 1, 2005

1st sept

On this day, i want to thank the teachers who stars in a special chapter of my life. Their grace, warmth, generosity, dogged determination and enthusiasm for learning inspires me and i try to emulate them. On the other hand, i will remember some of them for their petty, fickle, indifferent, senile and inconsiderate behaviour, with it the sense of loss, futility and betrayal i felt at times. No one is perfect and gone are the days when teachers are held up as role model. I have learnt that life can't be viewed in black and white terms, and i try to emulate the good traits while avoiding the bad. In fact i see the closeted environment of the school as a microscopic model of the larger society. People are the same everywhere, you have to learn to take the good along with the bad. What makes the difference is the way you react to them and learning when to just let it go. I left school with a more enlightened view on life and i can't give the teachers enought credit for that. And so...

Thank you Teachers! Happy Teachers Day!